Online Job Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Applicant Name *FirstLastApplicant Phone *Best Time for Applicant to Be Phoned? *Applicant Email *Applicant Mailing Address *Applicant Position(s) Desired *AssemblerDriverPainterShipperWelderOtherWhy does applicant want to work at Marine Master Trailers? *Earliest Date Applicant Can Start Working *Applicant Salary Desired *Applicant's High School Name and Location *Number of Years Applicant Attended High School *Applicant's Highest Education Completed? *NoneGED aka HiSetHighschool DiplomaSome CollegeCollege Degree(s)Has Applicant Ever worked a Production Job? *YesNoApplicant has Tennessee Driver's License? *YesNoApplicant Currently on Lay-Off Status or Subject to Recall? *YesNoApplicant currently employed? *YesNoIf Yes, Why does Applicant Desire to Change Employment? *Applicant Available to Work Full Time? *YesNoApplicant Age 18 or Over? *YesNoIs There Anything Else Applicant Would like Marine Master Trailers to Know? *Marine Master Trailers May Contact Applicant's Previous Employer(s)? *YesNoApplicant's Employment History 1 *Applicant's Employment History 2 *Applicant's Employment History 3 *Applicant's Reference 1 *Applicant's Reference 2 *Applicant's Reference 3 *Applicant's Signature *Signature Date *Submit